Blessings - dear Peter, brothers and sisters, stay strong in the Lord.

Please see for yourselves how deep the rabbithole goes:-


Gouvern ment - french - mind control is where the name came from

Agenda 2030

Great World Economic Forum 666 Digital Reset

To be achieved through Covid -19 and WW3 with Russia started from Ukraine

Global rollout of 15 mins cities - where you can't freely go out beyond a 15 mins radius of where you live.

The US Ohio chemical spill disaster - turns out that Cleveland, Ohio and other municipalities have agreements in place where the Fed.government can directly take over any 'polluted' land and turn them into 15 mins cities.

Now join the dots with Rihanna being on Superbowl in a hazmat suit - and those performances take months to prepare - so she was told by her handlers what to wear for Superbowl before the Ohio chemical spill even happened. 

Couple that with the satanic Sam Smith 


dressed as a baloon for Grammys (Biden's 'China' weather baloon saga, anyone? deflecting from the Nordstream pipeline US orchestrated blowup uncovered through explosive evidence by award winning Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh?).


Genesis 3. 15

History - His Story

Right and left - sheep against goats.

It all goes back to Satanism and the false Jewish race of the Khazar nephilim serpent ruling the US and Israel after Russia destroyed its genetic homeland, the Khazar Empire, in the Middle Ages.

When you do your research you will see that it was on the territory of modern Ukraine. Kiev started out as a khazar city.


To get the Great 666 Reset, Agenda 2030, where Convid failed,

The Left (the goats), are preparing another false flag 9-11, as the New York nuclear explosion event "done by Russia".

You can look up the recent weird New York mayor made nuclear drill, NY nuclear PSA.

Saying things like 'duck under the table hope for the best' and most importantly 'the big guy hit, don't ask any questions'.


Who is that big guy and why can we not ask any questions? Unless the big guy is not just the nuke but the demonic power orchestrating the nuke. 

And if it really came from Russia, pretty sure demo n crats (by the way the very word democrat comes not from greek demos cratos, but demon cratos - what they didn't want you to know)

and the deep state behind them, being major donors to most mainstream newspapers, would be screaming for us to ask questions.

But many people are awake, thank God, so it is not so easy to false flag anymore.


Covid - Certificate of Vaccination ID

Pfizer admitted to the European Parliament, MPs Rob Roos, Christine Anderson, Cristian Terhes and others (MP Mislav Kolakusic also spoke out about the plandemic), that it never even tested whether these 'vaccines' would stop Covid transmission.

So why the crazy push to vaxx everyone, even newborns with 0 risk of Covid? 

The Covid vaccine was a smart framework for a 5G chip implant, 666. 

Advertised now as your digital wallet while banks are being closed and everything is moved online. 

See Dr. A.Noack, Carrie Madej and others who have studied these vials. The self-assembling magnetic graphene builds nanostructures in your cells. Blocking your blood vessels and causing blood clots.

With the 5G 666 implant, it will reset all your cells to the grid frequency. That is why there is no way back from the 666 Mark.





Did you know that those vaccines also have a scannable glowing substance in them called luciferase? From the word Lucifer (satan).

Also replace Pfizer logo P letter bow with L bottom. It makes an anagram for Luzifer.


Now that the Covid Great Nephilim 666 Global Reset has failed, the World Economic Forum nephilim, through O. /Biden, are causing a third world war with Russia.

Why? To depopulate the Adamic race.

Depopulation - Revelation 9- 11 - nephilim demons come out of the pit again powered by our soul energy. 

And for that millions have to die which can only be achieved through creating WW3.

Obama's we remember, we rebuild, we come back stronger (w is the letter 6 in Hebrew, 666). 

Come back from what? From a small aluminum plane mysteriously defying all US advanced air safety and pulverizing a steel skyscraper from top to bottom? 

No. Obama is talking about his race coming back from the Great Flood. Genesis 6.4

Goliath, too, was genetically a Nephilim. Almost 3m tall when translating the ancient measures of cubits.

See also, for yourself, the abnormal conical skull of Jacob Rotschields.

By the way, Obama and his puppet Biden are behind the election software fraud. The software is called Dominion - not a coincidence, as it gives satanic dominion over nations, their future and soul energy.

Google "Jonathan Kleck Obama Sun Rising" (the 666 guy), and "Jonathan Kleck locusts".









Covid -19 was a US Obama led Department of Defence military operation. Confirmed by official government Freedom of Information request response letters.





By the way 'novel' coronavirus kits purchased en masse by most countries in the world in 2018!

Even Space does not exist. See Isaiah 40:22. NASA - ASAN - put in their logo - SATAN - the red forked serpent tongue lying hidden.



UN Charter Chapter-17

How Articles 106 & 107 of the UNITED NATIONS CHARTER LEGALIZE Putin's EVERY ACTION in Ukraine and BEYOND

Articles 106 and 107 of the UN Charter give Russia, as the legal successor of the victor of World War II, the right to take all measures, including military, against Germany, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia , Slovenia. , Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine for attempts to revive Nazism.

UN Secretary General António Guterres was surprised to learn from Putin that there is an article in the UN Charter that allows the conduct of a Russian special operation in Ukraine.


The Nuremberg Tribunal held all who fought against the United Nations and committed genocide criminally responsible. The greatest genocide was committed against the Soviet people. UN Charter, Articles 106 and 107, gives the victors of World War II-the USSR, the U.S., the U.K., and China-the right to take action against the countries that fought against them to prevent measures aimed at revising the results of World War II War.

In particular, the use of military force against these countries is allowed. To do this, you need only NOTIFY the other three winning countries, but not seek their consent. Russia, as the LEGAL successor to the USSR, can also use force against countries that want to overtake the Yalta-Potsdam system in Europe. Russia can stop attempts to revive Nazism in Germany, Hungary, Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic, which was a protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia during the war.



This - based on scientific evidence


That's how they get us into the 2030 Agenda depop smart cities.





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Amen Peter!!

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This is a question, regarding Hunter. I don’t doubt your allegations, but in trying to check your photos or links that gave proof..I can’t find it. No clear evidence so could you clarify? New to your email and have been informed and I have forwarded a couple. But hesitate on this. Thanks

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I do appreciate due diligence. What is proof? What good is proof? How high must the heap of smoking guns get before we all come to our senses?

"And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha." 2 Kings 6:16-17 KJV

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