We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed... and I will give unto thee the keys to the Kingdom!
Chuck Missler's "Learn the Bible in 24 hours" series is phenomenal and super deep.
Pastor Michael Hoggard has 2 outstanding books on this topic . Ed Vallowe is another who has delved into the numbers....
Wonderful and thank you brother!
Wow, amazing stuff. Glory to God and our Savior in Christ. Glad to have found your stack. God Bless Peter70x7!
Yes, All glory to God! I'm adding this from Chuck Missler to the end... https://youtu.be/p8vasaxWCvE
Thanks, watching now. :)
Chuck Missler's "Learn the Bible in 24 hours" series is phenomenal and super deep.
Pastor Michael Hoggard has 2 outstanding books on this topic . Ed Vallowe is another who has delved into the numbers....
Wonderful and thank you brother!
Wow, amazing stuff. Glory to God and our Savior in Christ. Glad to have found your stack. God Bless Peter70x7!
Yes, All glory to God! I'm adding this from Chuck Missler to the end... https://youtu.be/p8vasaxWCvE
Thanks, watching now. :)